Days to Easter

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Days to Easter

How many days until next Easter?

We're excited that Easter is just around the corner and we're sure that you are too. To make sure you can count down those days with ease, why not try this beautiful application that quickly and easily shows you how few days you have to wait.

This app is simple and effective with beautiful graphics and fun sound effects when you shake your phone.

There is also an app extension that you can install once you have downloaded the app, so you can swipe left on your home screen and see how many days left without even opening the app.

We are always happy to hear feedback, criticism, praise or suggestions. Email us at:

Privacy Policy

The paid version of the app does not include any tracking or cookies. We do not store any information about our users, make any kinds of network requests or allow open access to the Internet through the app.

The free version of the app includes ads supplied by Admob from Google. We show anonymous ads so that no personal information is used. Other than the app making network requests required to serve the ads, the app does not make any further network requests or allow open access to the Internet through the app.